URL Decoder

What is this URL Encoder/Decoder Tool?

This free online tool helps make encoding and decoding URLs simple. You can use it for web development, SEO work, or to check parts of complex URLs. The simple design makes URL encoding and decoding quick for developers, marketers, and web professionals.

URL Decoding: Making URLs Readable

URL decoding turns encoded URLs back to their original text. This helps when reading URLs with query strings. Our tool makes this task quick and simple.

About URL Encoding

URL encoding (percent encoding) turns characters into web-friendly format. It's needed for characters like '&', '=', and '/' in URLs. Using URL encoding tools helps make sure web browsers and servers read URLs correctly.

When You Need URL Encoding

  • Special Characters: Some characters mean different things in URLs. For example, '?' starts a query string, and '&' splits parameters.
  • Non-ASCII Text: URLs work with a set group of ASCII characters. URL encoding lets you use other characters.
  • Spaces and Line Breaks: These need encoding to work in URLs.

How URL Encoding Works

When encoding URLs, unsafe ASCII characters change to '%' plus two hex numbers. A space becomes '%20'. That's why some call it percent encoding.

Reserved Characters in URL Encoding

CharacterEncoded Value

When to Use URL Encoding?

  1. Creating Dynamic URLs: When building URLs with variable parameters, encode the values to ensure they're correctly interpreted.
  2. Handling User Input: Always encode user-supplied data before including it in a URL to prevent injection attacks.
  3. Internationalization: When using non-ASCII characters in URLs, encoding ensures they're properly transmitted and interpreted.

URL encoding is essential for web development. Whether you need to encode URLs for web applications or decode to check incoming requests, having a good URL encoder and decoder is helpful. Save this page to use our free tools whenever needed!

Good URL encoding makes sure your web addresses work right and helps with search rankings. Start using our URL encoder/decoder tool to manage your web addresses better!